How many ground observations should we aim at?
TWIGA focuses on the combination of remote sensing data and ground-based observations to run models
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TWIGA focuses on the combination of remote sensing data and ground-based observations to run models
In Narok, Kenya there is a unique network of rain sensors on the experiment. We
Within the TWIGA project, a student from Wageningen University, Kim Faassen, took up an internship
There is a lot of attention for digitalization for rural development (see for example the
At the end of 2019, TWIGA shipped 6 low-cost GPS stations to Uganda. These were
Currently, only around 58% of Africans have access to safe drinking water. More than 90%
In the TWIGA proposal, we included one technology that was at the lowest Technology Readiness
Crop simulation models are widely used by scientists, policy-makers, and practitioners to understand the response
Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) acquisitions allow for the generation of high resolution maps
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.776691.
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