The TWIGA platform is the central platform through which many of the data and services are flowing.

Users can access the data through a comprehensive API or via the TWIGA portal

Accessing the Portal

The TWIGA platform is the central platform through which many of the data and services are flowing. Users can access the data through a comprehensive API or via the TWIGA portal. The portal is a web-based interface through which registered users can see and interact with the data. Experienced users can create their own custom dashboards completely tailored to their own needs. However, in many cases, dashboards will be prepared and shared to new users, such that new users can directly interact with the data without needing detailed knowledge.

The TWIGA platform was built on top of the HydroNet platform developed by HydroLogic BV (HR) now known as the Water Platform Company BV (WPC) based in Delft in the Netherlands to ensure long-term sustainability. The platform is operational, with feature enhancement done both on the backend and front end to meet the requirements of the services developed within the TWIGA project. A set of micro-services has been developed that link data sources to the platform. Data and metadata formats have been implemented that support GEOSS. New sensors and, especially, citizen science data, demand special quality control and calibration for which a framework has been put in place and being implemented even beyond the project phase.

By clicking on the “Visit the Portal” button, you will be taken to the HydroNet platform where you can use the login details provided below to access the TWIGA side of this platform (

If you have a registered account on the TWGIA Portal you will have all the tools to make new dashboards. However, if you only want to view some pre-configured dashboards, you can use the following view-only account:

Link here:


Password: VCzwi5gjH!LUvufi

Video description


1: To access some more information on the portal some extra login information would be needed. To get access, kindly send an email to

2: Kindly note the TWIGA portal is NOT a data distribution portal. This is an application environment. Kindly contact us if you want to build applications. For access to (meta)data you can kindly visit the GEOSS portal

Possibility for Hackatons

we offer the possibility for people interested in using the portal to participate in hackathons to learn more


Find more information here:

Next to the web-portal the TWIGA data sources are also available via the platform API. The API is intended to stimulate geo-services development and innovation by enabling applications to exchange data and functionality easily and securely.

Below you can find two notebooks with examples on how you could access TWIGA data sources via Python notebooks. The TWIGA platform API is secured with OpenID Connect, this means that all requests require valid authentication. In the example notebooks this authentication has not been included. If you are interested in TWIGA data, and you would like to develop new and innovative geo-services we can provide the relevant authentication. Please contact