This demonstration call the TWIGA platform API in order to retrieve meta-data on GNSS data and to download some GNSS data results are displayed in the notebook in both tables and graphs
June 2022
These modules are packages used to add addtional functionality to python for example the requests module is used so we can send requests to the TWIGA API the pandas and numpy modules are used for gathering data in tables the geopandas and contextily modules are used for displaying data on maps
# load modules
import requests
import json
import datetime
import base64
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import contextily as cx
from io import StringIO
The following block logs us into the TWIGA API By logging in to the API we receive a valid authentication key (token) This token is needed in all other request we will do to the API
api_login = ""
api = ""
# Read API client id and secret from local file
with open("hn4_api_clientid_twiga.json") as json_file:
hn4_api = json.load(json_file)
client_id = hn4_api['client_id']
client_secret = hn4_api['client_secret']
# Fetch a valid token from the login
authorization = base64.b64encode(bytes(client_id + ":" + client_secret, "ISO-8859-1")).decode("ascii")
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Basic {authorization}",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body = { "grant_type": "client_credentials" }
response =, data = body, headers = headers)
hn4_api_token = response.json().get('access_token')
# prepare a header with the valid token for subsequent requests
api_header = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'bearer ' + hn4_api_token}
The following code blocks are used to extract meta-data from the API We check what data is available (locations, period, etc.)
# Query meta-data #
# define the selected data source of interest, i.e. the SAWS raingauges
selected_datasource_code = "Gnss.Stations"
# json request to ask metadata of the selected datasource
request_metadata = {
"DataSourceCodes": [selected_datasource_code]
# Send the request to the datasources endpoint of the API - which can be used to extract the start and end-date
gnss_metadata_datasource = + 'entity/datasources/get', headers=api_header, data=json.dumps(request_metadata))
gnss_metadata_datasource = gnss_metadata_datasource.json()
# Send the request to the variables endpoint of the API - to get all available variables
gnss_metadata_variables = + 'entity/variables/get', headers=api_header, data=json.dumps(request_metadata))
gnss_metadata_variables = gnss_metadata_variables.json()
# Send the request to the locations endpoint of the API - to get all locations
gnss_metadata_locations = + 'entity/locations/get', headers=api_header, data=json.dumps(request_metadata))
gnss_metadata_locations = gnss_metadata_locations.json()
# create data frame with all variables
df_var = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(gnss_metadata_variables['Variables'])
Name | Code | UnitCode | State | |
GE | East Gradient | GE | mm | 1 |
GN | North Gradient | GN | mm | 1 |
ZTD | Zenith Total Delay | ZTD | m | 1 |
ZWD | Zenith Wet Delay | ZWD | m | 1 |
# create data frame with all locations
df_loc = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(gnss_metadata_locations['Locations'])
# tranpose to get locations as rows
df_loc = df_loc.transpose()
Identifier | LocationId | Name | Code | X | Y | Z | Tags | ProjectionId | DataSourceGroupCode | |
Gnss.Stations#SUTM | Gnss.Stations#SUTM | 24600 | SUTM00ZAF | SUTM | 20.810914 | -32.381431 | 1761.321 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#CTWN | Gnss.Stations#CTWN | 24601 | CTWN00ZAF | CTWN | 18.468553 | -33.951432 | 51.871 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#DAKR | Gnss.Stations#DAKR | 30684 | DAKR00SEN | DAKR | -17.439463 | 14.721237 | 21.304 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#DJIG | Gnss.Stations#DJIG | 30685 | DJIG00DJI | DJIG | 42.847064 | 11.526288 | 723.69 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#WIND | Gnss.Stations#WIND | 30686 | WIND00NAM | WIND | 17.089435 | -22.574917 | 1702.688 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#ACRG | Gnss.Stations#ACRG | 30687 | ACRG00GHA | ACRG | -0.207111 | 5.641477 | 58.641 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#MELI | Gnss.Stations#MELI | 30689 | MELI00ESP | MELI | -2.951649 | 35.281191 | 39.336 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#NKLG | Gnss.Stations#NKLG | 30690 | NKLG00GAB | NKLG | 9.672129 | 0.35391 | 23.472 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#FUNC | Gnss.Stations#FUNC | 30691 | FUNC00PRT | FUNC | -16.907613 | 32.647951 | 31.309 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#HARB | Gnss.Stations#HARB | 30692 | HARB00ZAF | HARB | 27.707248 | -25.88696 | 1535.362 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#HRAG | Gnss.Stations#HRAG | 30693 | HRAG00ZAF | HRAG | 27.685182 | -25.8904 | 1381.653 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#LPAL | Gnss.Stations#LPAL | 30694 | LPAL00ESP | LPAL | -17.893825 | 28.763874 | 2158.744 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#MAS1 | Gnss.Stations#MAS1 | 30695 | MAS100ESP | MAS1 | -15.633273 | 27.763744 | 155.898 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#arua | Gnss.Stations#arua | 117357 | ARUA | arua | 31.221028 | 2.881693 | 686.629 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#gomb | Gnss.Stations#gomb | 117358 | GOMB | gomb | 31.922315 | 0.174396 | 1222.656 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#kamw | Gnss.Stations#kamw | 117359 | KAMW | kamw | 30.445414 | 0.254451 | 1298.008 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#hoim | Gnss.Stations#hoim | 117360 | HOIM | hoim | 31.471315 | 1.485878 | 1142.522 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#jja2 | Gnss.Stations#jja2 | 117361 | JJA2 | jja2 | 33.154125 | 0.524719 | 1189.585 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#kla1 | Gnss.Stations#kla1 | 117362 | KLA1 | kla1 | 32.585372 | 0.314267 | 1209.509 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#luw1 | Gnss.Stations#luw1 | 117363 | LUW1 | luw1 | 32.514031 | 0.706262 | 1161.72 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#lyat | Gnss.Stations#lyat | 117364 | LYAT | lyat | 31.144341 | -0.416031 | 1260.829 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#mble | Gnss.Stations#mble | 117365 | MBLE | mble | 34.161052 | 0.924462 | 1161.951 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#mbra | Gnss.Stations#mbra | 117366 | MBRA | mbra | 30.504676 | -0.64538 | 1455.374 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#mska | Gnss.Stations#mska | 117367 | MSKA | mska | 31.720069 | -0.334332 | 1226.434 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#mube | Gnss.Stations#mube | 117368 | MUBE | mube | 31.392438 | 0.582474 | 1357.421 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#naka | Gnss.Stations#naka | 117369 | NAKA | naka | 32.265841 | 1.403215 | 1107.703 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#oyam | Gnss.Stations#oyam | 117370 | OYAM | oyam | 32.501682 | 2.387568 | 1072.736 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#ruku | Gnss.Stations#ruku | 117371 | RUKU | ruku | 29.926066 | -0.789244 | 1665.385 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#sort | Gnss.Stations#sort | 117372 | SORT | sort | 33.614696 | 1.730214 | 1123.946 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#tw01 | Gnss.Stations#tw01 | 117373 | TW01 TWIGA Project TW01 | tw01 | 32.440847 | 0.052398 | 1156.609 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#tw02 | Gnss.Stations#tw02 | 117374 | TW02 Mityana | tw02 | 32.039036 | 0.377521 | 1245.16 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#tw03 | Gnss.Stations#tw03 | 117375 | TW03 Makerere University Meteo Stat. | tw03 | 32.568599 | 0.333516 | 1240.128 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#tw04 | Gnss.Stations#tw04 | 117376 | TW04 Ndejje | tw04 | 32.475097 | 0.610156 | 1231.565 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#tw05 | Gnss.Stations#tw05 | 117377 | TW05 Bugema | tw05 | 32.641627 | 0.571524 | 1166.57 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
Gnss.Stations#tw06 | Gnss.Stations#tw06 | 117378 | TW06 Iganga | tw06 | 33.456769 | 0.584815 | 1151.531 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations |
# We can also plot all the locations on a map
gdf_gnss = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_loc, geometry = gpd.points_from_xy(df_loc.X, df_loc.Y))
gdf_gnss = gdf_gnss.set_crs(epsg=4326)
gdf_gnss = gdf_gnss.to_crs(epsg = 3857)
ax = gdf_gnss.plot(figsize=(10, 12), alpha = 0.75, edgecolor = 'k', color = 'red')
# Query the available time-series of Zenith Total Delay in 2021
request_timeseriesinformations = {
"DataSourceCodes": ["Gnss.Stations"],
"VariableCodes": ["ZTD"],
"StartDate": "20210101000000",
"EndDate": "20220101000000"
gnss_metadata_tsinformation = + 'entity/timeseriesinformations/get', headers=api_header, data=json.dumps(request_timeseriesinformations))
gnss_metadata_tsinformation = gnss_metadata_tsinformation.json()
# create data frame with all locations which match the search criteria
df_ts = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(gnss_metadata_tsinformation['TimeSeriesInformations'])
TimeSeriesInformationId | LocationIdentifier | DataSourceVariableId | StartDate | EndDate | |
95150 | 95150 | Gnss.Stations#SUTM | 28893 | 20190924235941 | 20220610074312 |
95151 | 95151 | Gnss.Stations#CTWN | 28893 | 20190924235942 | 20220610081442 |
112926 | 112926 | Gnss.Stations#DAKR | 28893 | 20200713235942 | 20210120155911 |
112927 | 112927 | Gnss.Stations#DJIG | 28893 | 20200715011842 | 20220609011142 |
112928 | 112928 | Gnss.Stations#WIND | 28893 | 20200715011312 | 20220610081442 |
112938 | 112938 | Gnss.Stations#ACRG | 28893 | 20200715011212 | 20210224065912 |
112994 | 112994 | Gnss.Stations#MELI | 28893 | 20200722235942 | 20220610081442 |
112995 | 112995 | Gnss.Stations#NKLG | 28893 | 20200722235942 | 20220610081442 |
113002 | 113002 | Gnss.Stations#FUNC | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113003 | 113003 | Gnss.Stations#HARB | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113004 | 113004 | Gnss.Stations#HRAG | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113005 | 113005 | Gnss.Stations#LPAL | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113006 | 113006 | Gnss.Stations#MAS1 | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
213191 | 213191 | Gnss.Stations#arua | 28893 | 20210218235942 | 20210427105142 |
213195 | 213195 | Gnss.Stations#gomb | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104442 |
213196 | 213196 | Gnss.Stations#kamw | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104442 |
213197 | 213197 | Gnss.Stations#hoim | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104212 |
213198 | 213198 | Gnss.Stations#jja2 | 28893 | 20200101235942 | 20210427104542 |
213199 | 213199 | Gnss.Stations#kla1 | 28893 | 20191231235942 | 20210427034642 |
213200 | 213200 | Gnss.Stations#luw1 | 28893 | 20191231235942 | 20210427104612 |
213201 | 213201 | Gnss.Stations#lyat | 28893 | 20200910175942 | 20210427104242 |
213223 | 213223 | Gnss.Stations#mble | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104712 |
213224 | 213224 | Gnss.Stations#mbra | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104741 |
213225 | 213225 | Gnss.Stations#mska | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104812 |
213226 | 213226 | Gnss.Stations#mube | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104942 |
213239 | 213239 | Gnss.Stations#naka | 28893 | 20210225055942 | 20210427105012 |
213240 | 213240 | Gnss.Stations#oyam | 28893 | 20210108180042 | 20210427105042 |
213241 | 213241 | Gnss.Stations#ruku | 28893 | 20200325235942 | 20210427105041 |
213242 | 213242 | Gnss.Stations#sort | 28893 | 20201015235942 | 20210427105112 |
213243 | 213243 | Gnss.Stations#tw01 | 28893 | 20191109000012 | 20210329235912 |
213244 | 213244 | Gnss.Stations#tw02 | 28893 | 20191118000212 | 20210413235912 |
213246 | 213246 | Gnss.Stations#tw04 | 28893 | 20191119153442 | 20210413235912 |
213247 | 213247 | Gnss.Stations#tw05 | 28893 | 20191113101212 | 20210413233841 |
# Download data of 2 locations in a simple CSV format
request_data_timeseries = {
"Readers": [{
"DataSourceCode": "Gnss.Stations",
"Settings": {
"StartDate": "20210101000000",
"EndDate": "20210102000000",
"VariableCodes": ["ZTD"],
"LocationCodes": ["SUTM", "CTWN"]
"Exporter": {
"DataFormatCode": "hydronet.csv.simple"
"TimeZoneOffset": "+0000"
gnss_data = + 'timeseries/get', headers=api_header, data=json.dumps(request_data_timeseries))
# parse the csv data into a pandas dataframe
gnss_data_txt = StringIO(gnss_data.text)
gnss_df = pd.read_csv(gnss_data_txt)
# Drop last row and column (as those are empty)
gnss_df.drop(gnss_df.tail(1).index, inplace = True)
gnss_df = gnss_df.iloc[:, :-1]
Date time | Location code | Variable code | Value | Quality | Availability | |
0 | 2021-01-01 00:00:12 | SUTM | ZTD | 1.8931 | NaN | 1.0 |
1 | 2021-01-01 00:00:42 | SUTM | ZTD | 1.8930 | NaN | 1.0 |
2 | 2021-01-01 00:01:12 | SUTM | ZTD | 1.8929 | NaN | 1.0 |
3 | 2021-01-01 00:01:42 | SUTM | ZTD | 1.8929 | NaN | 1.0 |
4 | 2021-01-01 00:02:12 | SUTM | ZTD | 1.8928 | NaN | 1.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4734 | 2021-01-01 23:57:42 | CTWN | ZTD | 2.3584 | NaN | 1.0 |
4735 | 2021-01-01 23:58:12 | CTWN | ZTD | 2.3582 | NaN | 1.0 |
4736 | 2021-01-01 23:58:42 | CTWN | ZTD | 2.3579 | NaN | 1.0 |
4737 | 2021-01-01 23:59:12 | CTWN | ZTD | 2.3576 | NaN | 1.0 |
4738 | 2021-01-01 23:59:42 | CTWN | ZTD | 2.3576 | NaN | 1.0 |
4739 rows × 6 columns
# Filter the locations dataframe for all locations in Uganda using coordinates
df_loc_tp = df_loc
df_uganda = df_loc_tp[(df_loc_tp['X']>=29.4928) & (df_loc_tp['X']<=35.0848) &
(df_loc_tp['Y']>=-1.532) & (df_loc_tp['Y']<=4.3194)]
# display results
Identifier | LocationId | Name | Code | X | Y | Z | Tags | ProjectionId | DataSourceGroupCode | geometry | |
Gnss.Stations#arua | Gnss.Stations#arua | 117357 | ARUA | arua | 31.221028 | 2.881693 | 686.629 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (31.22103 2.88169) |
Gnss.Stations#gomb | Gnss.Stations#gomb | 117358 | GOMB | gomb | 31.922315 | 0.174396 | 1222.656 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (31.92231 0.17440) |
Gnss.Stations#kamw | Gnss.Stations#kamw | 117359 | KAMW | kamw | 30.445414 | 0.254451 | 1298.008 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (30.44541 0.25445) |
Gnss.Stations#hoim | Gnss.Stations#hoim | 117360 | HOIM | hoim | 31.471315 | 1.485878 | 1142.522 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (31.47131 1.48588) |
Gnss.Stations#jja2 | Gnss.Stations#jja2 | 117361 | JJA2 | jja2 | 33.154125 | 0.524719 | 1189.585 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (33.15412 0.52472) |
Gnss.Stations#kla1 | Gnss.Stations#kla1 | 117362 | KLA1 | kla1 | 32.585372 | 0.314267 | 1209.509 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.58537 0.31427) |
Gnss.Stations#luw1 | Gnss.Stations#luw1 | 117363 | LUW1 | luw1 | 32.514031 | 0.706262 | 1161.72 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.51403 0.70626) |
Gnss.Stations#lyat | Gnss.Stations#lyat | 117364 | LYAT | lyat | 31.144341 | -0.416031 | 1260.829 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (31.14434 -0.41603) |
Gnss.Stations#mble | Gnss.Stations#mble | 117365 | MBLE | mble | 34.161052 | 0.924462 | 1161.951 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (34.16105 0.92446) |
Gnss.Stations#mbra | Gnss.Stations#mbra | 117366 | MBRA | mbra | 30.504676 | -0.64538 | 1455.374 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (30.50468 -0.64538) |
Gnss.Stations#mska | Gnss.Stations#mska | 117367 | MSKA | mska | 31.720069 | -0.334332 | 1226.434 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (31.72007 -0.33433) |
Gnss.Stations#mube | Gnss.Stations#mube | 117368 | MUBE | mube | 31.392438 | 0.582474 | 1357.421 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (31.39244 0.58247) |
Gnss.Stations#naka | Gnss.Stations#naka | 117369 | NAKA | naka | 32.265841 | 1.403215 | 1107.703 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.26584 1.40321) |
Gnss.Stations#oyam | Gnss.Stations#oyam | 117370 | OYAM | oyam | 32.501682 | 2.387568 | 1072.736 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.50168 2.38757) |
Gnss.Stations#ruku | Gnss.Stations#ruku | 117371 | RUKU | ruku | 29.926066 | -0.789244 | 1665.385 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (29.92607 -0.78924) |
Gnss.Stations#sort | Gnss.Stations#sort | 117372 | SORT | sort | 33.614696 | 1.730214 | 1123.946 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (33.61470 1.73021) |
Gnss.Stations#tw01 | Gnss.Stations#tw01 | 117373 | TW01 TWIGA Project TW01 | tw01 | 32.440847 | 0.052398 | 1156.609 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.44085 0.05240) |
Gnss.Stations#tw02 | Gnss.Stations#tw02 | 117374 | TW02 Mityana | tw02 | 32.039036 | 0.377521 | 1245.16 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.03904 0.37752) |
Gnss.Stations#tw03 | Gnss.Stations#tw03 | 117375 | TW03 Makerere University Meteo Stat. | tw03 | 32.568599 | 0.333516 | 1240.128 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.56860 0.33352) |
Gnss.Stations#tw04 | Gnss.Stations#tw04 | 117376 | TW04 Ndejje | tw04 | 32.475097 | 0.610156 | 1231.565 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.47510 0.61016) |
Gnss.Stations#tw05 | Gnss.Stations#tw05 | 117377 | TW05 Bugema | tw05 | 32.641627 | 0.571524 | 1166.57 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (32.64163 0.57152) |
Gnss.Stations#tw06 | Gnss.Stations#tw06 | 117378 | TW06 Iganga | tw06 | 33.456769 | 0.584815 | 1151.531 | [] | 3 | Gnss.Stations | POINT (33.45677 0.58482) |
# Query the available time-series of Zenith Total Delay for the stations in Uganda
request_timeseriesinformations_ugdana_ztd = {
"DataSourceCodes": ["Gnss.Stations"],
"VariableCodes": ["ZTD"],
"LocationCodes": df_uganda['Code'].tolist()
gnss_metadata_tsinformation_uganda = + 'entity/timeseriesinformations/get', headers=api_header, data=json.dumps(request_timeseriesinformations_ugdana_ztd))
gnss_metadata_tsinformation_uganda = gnss_metadata_tsinformation_uganda.json()
# create data frame with all locations which match the search criteria
df_ts_uganda = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(gnss_metadata_tsinformation_uganda['TimeSeriesInformations'])
# rotate table
df_ts_uganda = df_ts_uganda.transpose()
# display table
TimeSeriesInformationId | LocationIdentifier | DataSourceVariableId | StartDate | EndDate | |
95150 | 95150 | Gnss.Stations#SUTM | 28893 | 20190924235941 | 20220610074312 |
95151 | 95151 | Gnss.Stations#CTWN | 28893 | 20190924235942 | 20220610081442 |
112926 | 112926 | Gnss.Stations#DAKR | 28893 | 20200713235942 | 20210120155911 |
112927 | 112927 | Gnss.Stations#DJIG | 28893 | 20200715011842 | 20220609011142 |
112928 | 112928 | Gnss.Stations#WIND | 28893 | 20200715011312 | 20220610081442 |
112938 | 112938 | Gnss.Stations#ACRG | 28893 | 20200715011212 | 20210224065912 |
112994 | 112994 | Gnss.Stations#MELI | 28893 | 20200722235942 | 20220610081442 |
112995 | 112995 | Gnss.Stations#NKLG | 28893 | 20200722235942 | 20220610081442 |
113002 | 113002 | Gnss.Stations#FUNC | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113003 | 113003 | Gnss.Stations#HARB | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113004 | 113004 | Gnss.Stations#HRAG | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113005 | 113005 | Gnss.Stations#LPAL | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
113006 | 113006 | Gnss.Stations#MAS1 | 28893 | 20200722121042 | 20220610081442 |
213191 | 213191 | Gnss.Stations#arua | 28893 | 20210218235942 | 20210427105142 |
213195 | 213195 | Gnss.Stations#gomb | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104442 |
213196 | 213196 | Gnss.Stations#kamw | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104442 |
213197 | 213197 | Gnss.Stations#hoim | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104212 |
213198 | 213198 | Gnss.Stations#jja2 | 28893 | 20200101235942 | 20210427104542 |
213199 | 213199 | Gnss.Stations#kla1 | 28893 | 20191231235942 | 20210427034642 |
213200 | 213200 | Gnss.Stations#luw1 | 28893 | 20191231235942 | 20210427104612 |
213201 | 213201 | Gnss.Stations#lyat | 28893 | 20200910175942 | 20210427104242 |
213223 | 213223 | Gnss.Stations#mble | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104712 |
213224 | 213224 | Gnss.Stations#mbra | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104741 |
213225 | 213225 | Gnss.Stations#mska | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104812 |
213226 | 213226 | Gnss.Stations#mube | 28893 | 20191031235942 | 20210427104942 |
213239 | 213239 | Gnss.Stations#naka | 28893 | 20210225055942 | 20210427105012 |
213240 | 213240 | Gnss.Stations#oyam | 28893 | 20210108180042 | 20210427105042 |
213241 | 213241 | Gnss.Stations#ruku | 28893 | 20200325235942 | 20210427105041 |
213242 | 213242 | Gnss.Stations#sort | 28893 | 20201015235942 | 20210427105112 |
213243 | 213243 | Gnss.Stations#tw01 | 28893 | 20191109000012 | 20210329235912 |
213244 | 213244 | Gnss.Stations#tw02 | 28893 | 20191118000212 | 20210413235912 |
213245 | 213245 | Gnss.Stations#tw03 | 28893 | 20191221000012 | 20201004230012 |
213246 | 213246 | Gnss.Stations#tw04 | 28893 | 20191119153442 | 20210413235912 |
213247 | 213247 | Gnss.Stations#tw05 | 28893 | 20191113101212 | 20210413233841 |
213248 | 213248 | Gnss.Stations#tw06 | 28893 | 20200829000012 | 20200915235912 |
# Download data of uganda stations
# start and end time are formatted as yyyyMMddHHmmss expected to be in UTC
request_data_timeseries_uganda_ztd = {
"Readers": [{
"DataSourceCode": "Gnss.Stations",
"Settings": {
"StartDate": "20210101000000",
"EndDate": "20210102000000",
"VariableCodes": ["ZTD"],
"LocationCodes": df_uganda['Code'].tolist()
"Exporter": {
"DataFormatCode": "hydronet.csv.simple"
"TimeZoneOffset": "+0000"
gnss_data_uganda = + 'timeseries/get', headers=api_header, data=json.dumps(request_data_timeseries_uganda_ztd))
# parse the csv data into a pandas dataframe
gnss_data_txt_uganda = StringIO(gnss_data_uganda.text)
gnss_df_uganda = pd.read_csv(gnss_data_txt_uganda)
# Drop last row and column (as those are empty)
gnss_df_uganda.drop(gnss_df_uganda.tail(1).index, inplace = True)
gnss_df_uganda = gnss_df_uganda.iloc[:, :-1]
# rename first column
gnss_df_uganda = gnss_df_uganda.rename(columns={gnss_df_uganda.columns[0]: 'DateTime'})
# Omit quality and availabilyt columns
gnss_df_uganda = gnss_df_uganda[gnss_df_uganda['Availability'] == 1].drop('Availability',axis=1).drop('Quality',axis=1)
# Display results
DateTime | Location code | Variable code | Value | |
0 | 2021-01-01 00:00:12 | gomb | ZTD | 2.2270 |
1 | 2021-01-01 00:00:42 | gomb | ZTD | 2.2273 |
2 | 2021-01-01 00:01:12 | gomb | ZTD | 2.2277 |
3 | 2021-01-01 00:01:42 | gomb | ZTD | 2.2276 |
4 | 2021-01-01 00:02:12 | gomb | ZTD | 2.2275 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
37270 | 2021-01-01 23:57:42 | tw05 | ZTD | NaN |
37271 | 2021-01-01 23:58:12 | tw05 | ZTD | NaN |
37272 | 2021-01-01 23:58:42 | tw05 | ZTD | NaN |
37273 | 2021-01-01 23:59:12 | tw05 | ZTD | NaN |
37274 | 2021-01-01 23:59:42 | tw05 | ZTD | NaN |
37275 rows × 4 columns
# plot timeseries of the location 'gomb'
# select the data of gomb
gnss_gomb = gnss_df_uganda[gnss_df_uganda['Location code'] == 'gomb']
gnss_gomb.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
# build the plot
ax = gnss_gomb.plot(title = "GNSS data of GOMB")
ax.legend(["Zenith Total Delay (m)"])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1fda2602550>