One of the few positive points of the Corona-crisis is that it provides an opportunity
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One of the few positive points of the Corona-crisis is that it provides an opportunity
TWIGA successfully established the first low-cost GNSS network in Africa, that will be used to
Climate change results in more extreme weather events with a great influence on water management
Flood events in Kumasi, the second biggest and fastest growing city in Ghana, are becoming
The prediction of rainfall is a critical issue in several African countries. The scarcity of
Agriculture in the Sub-Saharan African countries (including Ghana) is mainly rain-fed and it is also
Catchment management is usually the responsibility of a governmental organization such as a Catchment Management
Weather information is a priority for farmers, whether they use irrigation or not. It should
Satellite data for West Africa is still struggling with local climate and farming practices. Despite
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.776691.
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