Combining Sentinel-1 and -2 With In-Situ Data to provide Time Series of Soil Moisture Maps at Regional Scale in Ghana

Sub-Saharian African agriculture is perceived as a high-risk activity as is mainly rainfall-dependent and climate variability are increasing. Within the framework of the EU Horizon2020 funded TWIGA project, together Starlab Space and TAHMO intend to contribute to reducing uncertainties related to climatic information by providing improved estimates of surface soil moisture. Accurate risk-related information is […]
How to obtain actionable requirements from users?

It is well admitted that data alone does not provide solutions. The data needs to be processed and converted into practical applications to be useful and generate profit. With the same approach, we may say that general market trends or global challenges do not provide user requirements. These challenges need to be downscaled and converted […]
Water Level Monitoring Reservoir

Every now and then, water reservoirs fill up and lots of water are spilled, surprising the downstream inhabitants with very sudden and unexpected floods. This is a relatively common phenomenon. Therefore, in the TWIGA project, we decided to start designing a service that determines how full the reservoirs are based on satellite imagery. We estimate […]