Improper waste management as a major cause of flooding, and how to fix it
Driven by an expanding population following rapid urbanization, global waste generation is growing at a
Enjoy a good read!
Driven by an expanding population following rapid urbanization, global waste generation is growing at a
GPS satellites provide users with data useful for positioning, navigation and Earth observation. GPS stations,
The TWIGA project started over a year ago when all TWIGA partners signed a Grant
The limited amount of extension services for farmers. Using traditional farming practices and mostly relying
Weather affects everything. It is both an essential resource and a significant risk factor for
How can drone technology support our farming activities? This was the question that Kumasi farmers
Makerere University through the Department of Zoology, Entomology, and Fisheries Sciences (ZEFS), College of Natural
The prediction of heavy rainfall is a critical issue in several countries. In Africa, the scarcity
TWIGA aims at the provision of currently unavailable geo-information on weather, water, and climate for
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.776691.
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